Follow the journey for Sheila Rae

This summer, J. Kathleen Thompson is cycling across Canada in memory of her sister Sheila Rae, who passed away from ovarian cancer in 2018. Follow the journey to hear about this exciting journey, learn about ovarian cancer and get involved in fighting ovarian cancer. 

Why subscribe?

You will learn about events and appearances in your community, hear about the challenges and successes of the campaign and receive information about ovarian cancer that you can share with your friends and family. 

Plus: Get a free ebook “How to Train for Long-Distance Touring” 

Even if you don’t see yourself touring across Canada or you haven’t gotten on a bike in years, this ebook will help you safely and effectively increase your distance. Who knows? Maybe you will join me for part of the Ride for Sheila Rae!

Please join our email list to stay updated. Your privacy will be protected and you can unsubscribe at anytime. 

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Come back regularly to view the map and see where Joan is next!